

東京上野御徒町多美迎温泉酒店(多美迎・御宿野乃 酒店集團)
4.4/5134 評價
首先是地理位置,離JR上野站或東成Skyliner站都很近,雖然不是舉目可見,但利用Google Map應該不難找到前往路線。其次是環境,只說是在亞美橫丁傍邊也就不用再多說了。吃喝購物都應有盡有。這當然是指一般旅客,假如你要買甚應特別名物,那就另作別論了。 房間比較狹小,我們兩組人,因為中途曾經離開,一共住過四個房間。這些房間可以歸類為狹小,或者很狭小。早餐總類比較單一,但晚上免費提供的麵食相當不錯。
4.7/579 評價
I have to say I was excited and looked forward to my stay. At the end. I don’t think it was worth it. And it was because of what Hoshinoya Tokyo is, it is a ryokan, not a hotel, and it is a Japanese chain. It was not imbued with the spirit of providing utmost comfort and pampering to its guest. It is more focused on the onsen, the Japanese culture, and the provision of daily meals. 

It is not where you should stay to hear a lot of Yes. No concierge service, so they won’t help you get a reservation because they provide meals in the ryokan (which hotel doesn’t?). No early check in or courtesy late check out. If you want to check out late, it’s 9,000 JPY per hour - even when it doesn’t cost the hotel anything. No currency exchange service. If you want to order meals, you have to place the order the day before. No bathrobe provided, and when asked, first they said they didn’t have them, then they provided but warned me I should only wear them inside the room (I don’t remember a time in my life when I wore bathrobe walking around any hotel), and that since the quantity was limited, they would not change the bathrobe during my stay - it all sounded like a conversation I would have with my school principal, one that was not so friendly.

The fancy picture of the centerpiece which flooded Instagram was one place on the hallway, first floor, where we took off our shoes before entering the hotel. Reception is on the second floor, and the interior was a mixed in style, I don’t know how to call it. It was dated and furnished with uncomfortable sofas and chairs. We and other guests were not allowed to checked in until 3 pm (regardless whether a room was available) so we could see several parties, some with small children hanging out on those sofas like at a train station. Not all of us can time our flight to arrive at the hotel at exactly 3 pm, so it was a tiresome wait during which we were provided with one cup of tea per person the whole time. After that long wait, the welcome ritual with snacks at the lounge on our floor became quite pointless. We already did not feel welcomed. Service at Hoshinoya Tokyo was also not great and definitely not 5 star. As a guest pointed out, it’s difficult to get to the entrance via taxi. The basement entrance was dark. Room cleaning was not reliable - we left the room for 3 hours in the morning, came back at 1 pm and the room was not cleaned. But if you stayed in (which well, what you are supposed to do at a ryokan), they wouldn’t go in to clean or even asked if you wanted the room to be cleaned. On such a day, I asked if I could get new towels when we left for dinner, the staff said yes, but nothing happened when we came back and no follow up call to let us know why. There’s no view from our room (executive room at the corner). The hotel is surrounded by other taller buildings. When we opened the window screen, we could see people from the other building office and they could see us. It’s all grayish. 

 Staying at a ry
4.5/541 評價
My husband and I LOVED our stay at Yuen Bettai Daita. The ryokan experience is always special, and this one especially so. The rooms are thoughtfully appointed and calming, complete with comfy yukata; the onsen is divine; the breakfast and other foods (including a nighttime pudding on offer) are wonderfully yummy. We also enjoyed being just a little bit out of the major tourist areas of Tokyo--you're just 15 minutes from Shinjuku, for instance--and also able to stroll to some hip spots. You won't find better service or value in Tokyo! Enjoy!
銀座超級酒店Premier 天然温泉 奧湯河原之湯
4.6/5230 評價
安心大宿東京荻窪 - 專為男士服務
4.3/521 評價
4.4/548 評價
優點 對華人的態度很不錯,不愧是被評選為華人禮遇酒店的酒店。酒店周圍的環境非常好,綠化很足而且有公園,很適合散步。酒店的早餐也不錯,價格不貴樣式多。大浴場在日本來説算是比較大了,而且很乾凈,總體來説性價比還蠻高。 問題點 離車站較遠,酒店在兩個車站之間,步行至外苑前車站約十分鐘,步行至千馱谷車站約15分鐘。下樓不是很方便,因為酒店在9-15樓,九樓以下是會議室等等,需要換一次電梯才能到樓底。酒店不供應晚餐,而且周圍沒什麼吃東西的地方,想要吃東西需要坐地鐵去銀座,新宿。







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倘若您住在東京市區的酒店,可以優先遊覽附近的景點,比如新橋, 筑地市場, 銀座。若想與家人度過一個愉快假期,可以到柴又, 石神井公園一遊。除了之前介紹過的景點外,澀谷, 東京塔, 新宿也是比較有名的。若您希望購買一些當地特產,可以考慮去當地的商業區淺草橋, 表參道·青山, 寶格麗(銀座店)逛一逛。










