





4.7/556 評價


大通公園及周邊 札幌|距離貓頭鷹0.02km


As mentioned by many, the location is ideal, smack in the city center. Near Odori park, lots of restaurants around, shops and things to see. To make justice to the hotel, despite not having its own car park, now it's possible to add into the bill the parking service in a multi storey car park just opposite the street (some reviewer mentioned in 2017 that the hotel had no car park, but facts change along the time, so the truth is that now there is a parking facility, as close as possible, just need to cross the road). Now, being a good place and having a decent room (not spacey but it seldom happens in Japan), would make it an ideal place to choose, being even fairly priced, wouldn't it? Well, there's a but (as in the title of the review): one of the worst logistically organised bathrooms that I've ever found - and I've seen many in 27 years of travelling around Asia. There a not-so-tiny step to take from the aisle and the bathroom. As you try to enter, the WC occupies almost all the space till the wall. So either you try to jump over it (starting from a lower level, remember the step?) or I set one foot in the minimal space available and then you turn like a classical dancer to try to bring the rest of your body (other leg) inside and step in front of a weeny sink. Same ordeal to get out of the bathroom. Imagine doing this when you're still moist, after a shower. Maybe I was just unlucky with the room I was assigned to. But there should not be any architech who studies - and then decides that it's good enough to use it without being a breakdancer - such an unpractical configuration of bathroom. The other - minor - thing, is this (but it does not really bothers me much): having placed the ”make my room” magnetic sign to the door in the morning, i came back at night to find an odd black bag hanged to the outer handle. those were two clean towels. Nothing had been touched inside the room, bed undone as I left it, dirty, damp towels still in the tub. Well, an odd interpretation of what make my room means... Other than those two things, a good place to be. I was there for 3 nights and I paid the same amount (for the whole stay) of one night in Tokyo (ok, it's Roppongi and I know it's as dear as hell!). But if you get there, make sure to see the bathroom configuration, before checking into a room!
4.5/562 評價


大通公園及周邊 札幌|距離貓頭鷹0.15km


位於札幌市電西4丁目站前,離地鐵大通站和大通公園都很近,地理位置便利。原來々是彈子機店,是翻新過的住宿,但是沒有感覺到什麼殘留。現在1樓有7-11入住,購物也很方便。前台在二樓,如果從一樓按↑上電梯,二樓按鈕似乎自動按下。休息室和早餐會場也在二樓,寬々。自動入住退房機也設置了,入住時,酒店在櫃檯上對應了酒店內的說明,但是出門是機器,如果沒有額外的結算,則很順利。客房樓層是3-6層。安全很充足,入住時把借來的卡片遮住到2樓的電梯內的卡片讀卡器,自己的住宿樓層和有大浴場的地下1樓的按鈕閃爍所以,在那期間按。因此,在3~6樓不能進入自己的住宿樓層以外。至於客房,無法鎖的和膠囊酒店一樣(男女各々層分開,兩者都可以入住),但天花板很高(相反,側面有點窄?),壓抑感等感覺不那麼好。還設有帶鑰匙的收納、充電插座、USB、電視和Wi-Fi。共用廁所和洗衣房也設在客房的各樓層(洗衣房不包括3樓)和地下1樓。大浴場和自動販賣機在地下一層,電梯上遮陰下車。當然,男女各有入口門,這邊也遮陰入室。浴場內還設置了桑拿,也有自助式羅魯的說明書。浴場也有相當寬廣的記憶。脫衣所還設置了冷水機,當場可以補給水分,此外還設置了淋浴房,即使不進入浴場也能洗身體。客人的使用時間爲5:30-9:30,15:00-26:00(深夜2點),請慢慢入內。另外,還提供一日遊入浴(2020/11現在,營業時間14:00-22:00,含稅1000日元毛巾),我覺得很方便。早餐(因爲是收費的,所以是含早餐的計劃,還是前一天在前台申請)是自助餐形式,在2樓的休息室,7:00-9:30。8:30左右來的地方,可能是因爲客人少了 每個々的量變少了。但是,還有咖喱湯,非常好。地理位置和早餐都很好,客房和大浴場都很舒適,所以我想再次入住。



4.6/5130 評價


薄野 札幌|距離貓頭鷹0.23km


原本是一間相當有性價比極高的札幌新酒店,但最後我是需要經平台嚴正投訴處理! 先說好的!新開酒店地理位置優越裝修時尚!位置狸小路商店街的旁邊,酒店前面就有地鐵站出口及樓下有Lawson,附近集各類酒吧、娛樂、購物、多樣類型林立的地域,google搜尋就已經有夠吃到吐的美食店,客房浴室廁所四分離還有一張面向摩天輪小沙發,24平方的雙床房是可以將兩張床合拼變大,自助護膚品茶點包大堂自取,早晨樣式挺齊備 再說我投訴那一塊!第一我在訂酒店的時間酒店是還未正式營運,網上搜到的料資非常小連google地圖都未有圖標,單在和酒店方溝通停車場位置就花了一個月的來回電郵及平台客服處理,說到一頭霧水話要走路200米又轉彎之類才到達停車場,但其實停車位就只不過是在同一大廈的cocono Susukino商場升降停車場内⋯我總共入店住四晚前台很用心的幫我登記入住辦停車證明和介招酒店設施等等,然後科幻的一幕出現,我入住期間只有一日給我打掃過房間,我明明每天都打電話去前台或直接去前台交帶要收拾房間,結果每天晚上回來都是沒有(執房阿姨17:00就下班)但隔離前後左右的房間都是有打掃過的!到我離開才發現原來執房是需要將門後的磁貼往外貼(說實話我真不知道那是磁貼)其實沒有貼免打擾貼是不是也應該進去房間看看嗎?更何況我每天出發前都打電話或去前台要求,好吧都算!在入住第三日的早上8:00就給外面鏟雪車的警號鳴笛驚醒,好吧!都忍耐一下,因為社區實在積雪太厚道路會有風險,但沒想到原來鏟雪車是會同一位置工作24小時到深夜(聲音參照在視頻)在完全封閉窗戶的房間𥚃聲音尤如躺路邊,一直响到凌晨一點我終於忍不住去跟前台交涉(入住時未有表示過會有鏟雪車警鳴問題只提及過酒店有工程可能白天會有噪音)我就問能不能換到對面沒觀景的房型,因為我們第二朝需自駕3個小時到旭川需早起真的需要休息,結果晚間前台告訴我,因為入住房型不符合不能幫我轉往對面房,事關我已經入住第三日快要退房行李又過多,經過多翻周旋酒店最後處理方案是多給我一張同房型尾房暫睡一宿行李不用搬(因為酒店沒人手)但不保證噪音會否持續到該房間!原因是鏟雪車是會圍住街道打轉!我瞬間由原本摩天輪景觀房的喜悅變成厭惡,之後好不容易撐過第三晚到第四日晚上回來,又是沒打掃過房間垃圾桶經分類過都快溢出來⋯這時就一下情緒爆炸了⋯能說的中英文帶不帶父母的髒話都出來了⋯又重複再跟平台與前台周旋後我又多了張同層房卡⋯然後我就在拿衣服放衣服收行李和拿行李的路上在走廊來回奔馳⋯說好想去體驗高空温泉間已經沒時間了⋯ 說好的日本服務精神呢?我無語了!更何況我不是第一次第一年去日本的人群⋯都能自己駕遊⋯說好今年再來⋯我都不知還敢不敢住這家酒店⋯多令人身心交瘁⋯



4.7/556 評價
As mentioned by many, the location is ideal, smack in the city center. Near Odori park, lots of restaurants around, shops and things to see. To make justice to the hotel, despite not having its own car park, now it's possible to add into the bill the parking service in a multi storey car park just opposite the street (some reviewer mentioned in 2017 that the hotel had no car park, but facts change along the time, so the truth is that now there is a parking facility, as close as possible, just need to cross the road). Now, being a good place and having a decent room (not spacey but it seldom happens in Japan), would make it an ideal place to choose, being even fairly priced, wouldn't it? Well, there's a but (as in the title of the review): one of the worst logistically organised bathrooms that I've ever found - and I've seen many in 27 years of travelling around Asia. There a not-so-tiny step to take from the aisle and the bathroom. As you try to enter, the WC occupies almost all the space till the wall. So either you try to jump over it (starting from a lower level, remember the step?) or I set one foot in the minimal space available and then you turn like a classical dancer to try to bring the rest of your body (other leg) inside and step in front of a weeny sink. Same ordeal to get out of the bathroom. Imagine doing this when you're still moist, after a shower. Maybe I was just unlucky with the room I was assigned to. But there should not be any architech who studies - and then decides that it's good enough to use it without being a breakdancer - such an unpractical configuration of bathroom. The other - minor - thing, is this (but it does not really bothers me much): having placed the ”make my room” magnetic sign to the door in the morning, i came back at night to find an odd black bag hanged to the outer handle. those were two clean towels. Nothing had been touched inside the room, bed undone as I left it, dirty, damp towels still in the tub. Well, an odd interpretation of what make my room means... Other than those two things, a good place to be. I was there for 3 nights and I paid the same amount (for the whole stay) of one night in Tokyo (ok, it's Roppongi and I know it's as dear as hell!). But if you get there, make sure to see the bathroom configuration, before checking into a room!
4.7/549 評價
對大通維亞充滿了期待,但是卻並不怎麼滿意。 酒店的地理位置在狸小路上,但是走到車站卻有一段距離。要走很久。 酒店自助住店,自助結賬。很新穎。很乾凈 酒店自助存取行李,很有趣味,也很實用。 酒店大廳裏沒有圖書,沒有水,什麼也沒有。 酒店很新,導致房間稍微有點味道。需要不停換氣。但是仍然感覺憋氣。房間太小,空調一開熱關上冷。 酒店房間的電視離床很近,看電視太憋屈 酒店的大浴場很贊,開到很晚25點,早上6點到9點也開放。 大浴場有內外2個泡池。露天的是美肌發泡池。很贊很喜歡。 總體來講,房間有點味道有點憋氣是不好的。其他的還不錯。
4.4/546 評價
Except for the same receptionist in the morning of 19 April and also the early afternoon of 24 April during pre check in, whereby she seems to be acting like the boss's girlfriend or a relative of the owner with regards to dropping off baggage on 19 April or sitting in the erstwhile empty lounge on 24 April, everything's good especially the friendliness of the staff during check-in at 3pm on both days.
4.2/5236 評價
這酒店係我參加一日遊嘅集合地點因而選擇訂住,估唔到這酒店位置非常方便,在薄野站第四出口上路面向右邊走三分鐘就到, 房間算闊落而且整潔可能係新裝修過,今次安排入住間房可望到對面摩天輪🎡景一流!酒店附近好多食肆商店,行去狸小路只係約8-10分鐘路程,附近有電車可通往澡岩山睇夜景,如下次到訪都會選擇入住☺️
4.5/562 評價
位於札幌市電西4丁目站前,離地鐵大通站和大通公園都很近,地理位置便利。原來々是彈子機店,是翻新過的住宿,但是沒有感覺到什麼殘留。現在1樓有7-11入住,購物也很方便。前台在二樓,如果從一樓按↑上電梯,二樓按鈕似乎自動按下。休息室和早餐會場也在二樓,寬々。自動入住退房機也設置了,入住時,酒店在櫃檯上對應了酒店內的說明,但是出門是機器,如果沒有額外的結算,則很順利。客房樓層是3-6層。安全很充足,入住時把借來的卡片遮住到2樓的電梯內的卡片讀卡器,自己的住宿樓層和有大浴場的地下1樓的按鈕閃爍所以,在那期間按。因此,在3~6樓不能進入自己的住宿樓層以外。至於客房,無法鎖的和膠囊酒店一樣(男女各々層分開,兩者都可以入住),但天花板很高(相反,側面有點窄?),壓抑感等感覺不那麼好。還設有帶鑰匙的收納、充電插座、USB、電視和Wi-Fi。共用廁所和洗衣房也設在客房的各樓層(洗衣房不包括3樓)和地下1樓。大浴場和自動販賣機在地下一層,電梯上遮陰下車。當然,男女各有入口門,這邊也遮陰入室。浴場內還設置了桑拿,也有自助式羅魯的說明書。浴場也有相當寬廣的記憶。脫衣所還設置了冷水機,當場可以補給水分,此外還設置了淋浴房,即使不進入浴場也能洗身體。客人的使用時間爲5:30-9:30,15:00-26:00(深夜2點),請慢慢入內。另外,還提供一日遊入浴(2020/11現在,營業時間14:00-22:00,含稅1000日元毛巾),我覺得很方便。早餐(因爲是收費的,所以是含早餐的計劃,還是前一天在前台申請)是自助餐形式,在2樓的休息室,7:00-9:30。8:30左右來的地方,可能是因爲客人少了 每個々的量變少了。但是,還有咖喱湯,非常好。地理位置和早餐都很好,客房和大浴場都很舒適,所以我想再次入住。
4.6/5141 評價
地理位置很不錯,就在薄野站,地下通道可以直通酒店。酒店對麪就是堂吉柯德,步行200m左右就是狸小路。 比較值得一提的是入住時酒店還會提供專屬金幣,晚上可以到餐廳換取甜品,最近是萬聖節主題的,好看又好吃! 訂的普通大床房,房間就和想象中的日本房間一樣迷你,衹能攤開一個大箱子.. 每天會有工作人員更換毛巾和垃圾袋,但不會整理床鋪,總體還是很小巧幹凈的。



在Trip.com網站或者Trip.com APP上您可以找到最新的札幌酒店優惠。如果您希望在札幌入住最好的酒店,Trip.com能夠幫到您!在日本,札幌是一座比較繁華熱鬧的城市。當您安排行程時,在札幌住上3-5日是非常不錯的選擇。


札幌有188家精品酒店,Trip.com能為您提供最高20%的折扣。當地酒店平均價格大概是553 HKD一晚,札幌有各種各樣的酒店,定能滿足您對不同旅行的住宿需求。札幌有11家五星級酒店,平均每晚945 HKD。札幌有26家四星級酒店,平均每晚692 HKD。札幌有83家三星級酒店,平均每晚550 HKD。札幌有34家二星級酒店,平均每晚381 HKD。現在,有許多知名連鎖品牌酒店已經入駐札幌了。如若您對旅行住宿比較有要求,在札幌還是挺容易找到舒適酒店的,像假日旗下的酒店就很好。在札幌,連鎖酒店如假日是遊客們入住的熱門住宿。作為札幌的熱門酒店,札幌多米高級酒店(Dormy Inn Premium Sapporo)是評價最高的酒店之一。假若您還有猶豫,Trip.com推薦您入住北海道札幌大通公園拉根特住宿酒店(La'Gent Stay Sapporo Odori Hokkaido)。

札幌市區有不少出名的特色景點,例如:札幌站站前大街, 時計臺, 札幌電視塔。在札幌適合度假的景點也頗多,您可以去札幌國際滑雪場, 定山溪溫泉。另外,當地評價最高的景點還有:中島公園, 大通公園, 貍小路商店街。若您希望購買一些當地特產,可以考慮去當地的商業區Pole Town, JR札幌站購物街, 二條市場逛一逛。










