



4.6/538 評價


This place is fantastic. We stayed for 4 nights at the start of May to finish an amazing 4 island Seychelles trip to celebrate our wedding anniversary (we could have easily stayed at Villa Roscia for a full week or longer!). It is in the perfect location up a small hill from the main Beau Vallon beach area, including a 2 min walk to Beach Shak for cocktails! The included breakfast is wonderful with great produce. We loved the cakes (especially the orange ones with a little bit of Nutella on top!). Even better is the breakfast setting - a huge terrace with views over the whole of Beau Vallon, including the beautiful green mountains and stunning ocean. They were also accommodating to our early departure and provided breakfast to-go that we took to the airport with us. We opted for a sea view room, of which I believe there are two. We were allocated a lovely room with large private balcony with views of both the mountains and ocean (the other sea view room I believe has a more central sea view, but with a less private balcony). The room had a walk in wardrobe with a safe and a small fridge. We loved that all the rooms were named after Seychelles islands! The pool is a lovely addition and we used it 2 or 3 times - every time we had it to ourselves which was a bonus! Overall this is a great place to stay and we would come back in a heartbeat. Hope to see you all again on our next visit to the Seychelles! PS: You must eat at Leo’s Food Bus on Beau Vallon beach - have the garlic prawns or chilli prawns. You won’t regret it!



3.7/562 評價
4.1/521 評價
你好 由於我住在六感官邸,我的預訂是一種轉乘之夜。酒店毗鄰博瓦隆海灘-塞舌爾最好的公共海灘之一。別墅完全不是我的風格-住在那兒時我感到自己很臟。食物完全不好吃。一位服務員向我大喊大叫,令我驚訝的是,我立即告訴這裏,在我身邊將會有很多關於她的抱怨。 度假村的唯一優勢是前台的一位女士。她非常樂於助人-因為她取回了將要留在飛機上的MacBook。
4.1/516 評價
4.6/538 評價
This place is fantastic. We stayed for 4 nights at the start of May to finish an amazing 4 island Seychelles trip to celebrate our wedding anniversary (we could have easily stayed at Villa Roscia for a full week or longer!). It is in the perfect location up a small hill from the main Beau Vallon beach area, including a 2 min walk to Beach Shak for cocktails! The included breakfast is wonderful with great produce. We loved the cakes (especially the orange ones with a little bit of Nutella on top!). Even better is the breakfast setting - a huge terrace with views over the whole of Beau Vallon, including the beautiful green mountains and stunning ocean. They were also accommodating to our early departure and provided breakfast to-go that we took to the airport with us. We opted for a sea view room, of which I believe there are two. We were allocated a lovely room with large private balcony with views of both the mountains and ocean (the other sea view room I believe has a more central sea view, but with a less private balcony). The room had a walk in wardrobe with a safe and a small fridge. We loved that all the rooms were named after Seychelles islands! The pool is a lovely addition and we used it 2 or 3 times - every time we had it to ourselves which was a bonus! Overall this is a great place to stay and we would come back in a heartbeat. Hope to see you all again on our next visit to the Seychelles! PS: You must eat at Leo’s Food Bus on Beau Vallon beach - have the garlic prawns or chilli prawns. You won’t regret it!
4.4/566 評價
酒店的餐廳除了貴沒其他毛病,早餐、各種設施都非常棒,歐洲人很多,酒店就在博瓦隆海灘, 酒店餐廳吃飯會有小鳥飛來 等你喂麵包 見視頻 位置離機場 港口有點兒遠,600盧比到機場,200到首都,300到港口,打車花銷巨大
4.4/58 評價
關於這家酒店,首先要記住的是,需要一輛車,第二,沒有餐廳設施,它自己做飯,但沒有烤箱或合適的具,只有2個戒指和1個微型。房間很美,有一個大平台,空調工作正常。但是,晚上有點冷,沒有毯子,所以我不得不關掉它。有一台大約13個頻道的電視,我花了一段時間才想出如何打開它並使它工作。最後我不得不讓經理來幫我,工作人員每天仔細地量體溫,甚至敲敲門讓我下來量體溫。但是,這家酒店並不是真的適合單身,如果你想和其他單身客人混住,最好住在一家更大、更昂貴的酒店。除了顯然在那裏生活了數週的美國夫婦之外,我大部分時間似乎只是在那裏度過的。附近餐館還可以,但老實說,這裏不是島上最好的地方:這個榮譽是西海岸康斯坦斯埃菲利亞酒店附近的地區。博瓦倫是最近的村莊,在我看來,無論如何,它似乎有點褪色。酒店聲稱它從海灘步行15分鐘,但我認爲它更遠。很多餐館基本上都是旅遊陷阱,一兩個還不錯,比如當地的印第安人La Scala或Maknek,天氣本身很快地就變淡了,每天都下着大雨。海水也很粗糙,所以潛水不愉快,水中的能見度非常差。我嘗試了3次步行Coachella小徑,每次都關閉,自然歷史博物館也是如此。在科羅納和聖誕節假期之間,塞舌爾的聖誕假期基本都結束了,如果你認爲每年這個時候它相對便宜的話,那麼就要注意了。躺在沙灘上,淋溼也不是個好主意,所以在這個海灘度假的地方,人們很快就會沒有辦法去做事情了這裏的主要城鎮維多利亞有一個小魚和蔬菜市場,但除此之外沒有太多東西可看。這個小鎮上似乎到處都是來自非洲國家的經濟移民排隊將錢匯回兌換錢幣的機構和銀行。爲了結束這兩天的封鎖,這裏實行了迷你封鎖,所有的餐館都關閉了。第一晚我發現了一家開業的小咖啡館,第二晚我坐在停車場的地板上,吃着一個外賣店。就目前而言,總結一下酒店是合理的,但每年這個時候和科羅納州中間去是錯誤。塞舌爾本身看起來也比以往好得多。而其經濟也因爲遊客的缺席而遭受重創。





馬埃島旅行太需要擔心住宿問題,因為這裡有超過101家可以選擇。馬埃島的酒店物美價廉,只需約2260 HKD就能在當地不錯的酒店住上一晚。馬埃島有11家五星級酒店,平均每晚6811 HKD。馬埃島有9家四星級酒店,平均每晚2497 HKD。馬埃島有16家三星級酒店,平均每晚1352 HKD。馬埃島有3家二星級酒店,平均每晚715 HKD。馬埃島匯聚了眾多知名連鎖酒店,無論您是商務出行還是旅遊入住,都很合適。不少到馬埃島的遊客都會預訂希爾頓的酒店。喜歡希爾頓的客人來到這裡,可以選擇該品牌旗下的酒店。馬埃島馬埃島瑞萊克斯酒店及餐廳(Le Relax Hotel and Restaurant Mahe)是Trip.com客人最喜歡入住的酒店之一。除此之外,塞舌爾伊甸園布魯酒店(Eden Bleu Hotel Seychelles)也是遊客們常去的酒店。

倘若您住在馬埃島市區的酒店,可以優先遊覽附近的景點,比如Copolia Trail, D&R Island Shuttle。若想與家人度過一個愉快假期,可以到北島一遊。另外,當地評價最高的景點還有:伊甸園島, 布法隆海灘, 布法隆。
