

4.5/540 評價
Wanted to stay at a hotel with a private onsen during our stay in Hakone. The room itself was absolutely amazing. Super comfortable and I loved the tatami floor and the big balcony overlooking the hills. I could go on forever talking about how beautiful and spacious the room was. Lighting is very important to me and Gen Hakone got this perfectly, even having LED colour changing bulbs incase you want a cooler/warmer tone to the room. My only problem with the room is the shower. It is cool that the shower cubicle connects to both the bedroom and outside next to the onsen tub so you could step out of the shower and into the tub. However, this design might not be the best for cold winters as the glass could barely keep in the heat. We had a chilly evening when we went and if I stood close to the shower, I felt the chill. The plastic on the shower door that keeps the water in was loose so water can leak out onto the floorboards in the bedroom. I could already see the water damage on the floorboards so perhaps this should be fixed otherwise it will create a problem in the long term. The design for each room might be a little different but I found it a little strange that one of the beds is literally next to the shower cubicle. The room has floor to ceiling windows including the shower cubicle so how do they keep the light out in the morning when you are still sleeping? There is a blackout blind that separates the bed and the shower cubicle at night which runs all the way to the sliding door that separates the bedroom and living area. However, don't expect a total blackout as the design of the room cannot cover all the places where light shines. The kaiseki dinner was very delicious but I loved the breakfast more. It was huge and filling and such a great experience! The room price was extortionate but the beauty of the room plus the food kind of pays off for it. In terms of quality of service, this was also top-notch. Although staff didn't speak the best English, they tried their best to deliver their messages and we really appreciated their efforts. They immediately respond to pick-up requests when we called or emailed them. We had a little blip on arrival when we expected them to pick us up at Gora station but they werent there. It turns out that when we emailed them about our arrival time and requested for pick up prior to the trip, it doesn't actually secure a reservation, it's just giving them a heads up. So if you require them to pick you up from Gora station, give them a call when you arrive and they will come within 5 minutes. They can also drop you off or pick you up at particular points too but best communicate with them on that when you are there. The hotel is minute away from Naka Gora tram station which makes its very convenient to travel to the ropeway station and Gora station. Overall, we had a wonderful stay at Gen Gora and wish to extend our gratitude to the staff and their service there.





箱根位於神奈川縣西南部,距東京90千米,是日本的温泉之鄉、療養勝地。約在40萬年前這裏曾經是一處煙柱衝天,鎔巖四濺的火山口。現在的箱根到處翠峰環拱,溪流潺潺,温泉景色十分秀麗。由於終年遊客來來往往,絡繹不絕,故箱根又享有“國立公園”之稱。另外,它還是日本旅遊勝地。大約40萬年前的火山活動平息之後,使箱根形成有山川、流泉、湖泊等自然景觀。由箱根外輪山的綠草花木環繞的蘆之湖為火山湖,海拔724米,面積為7平方千米,湖最深處達45米,湖岸綫長達20千米。晴天時可看到終年積雪的富士山。最後一個火山口是大涌谷,終日白烟繚繞,常噴出大量帶硫氣體。現設有大涌谷自然科學館,用實物、幻燈、模型等介紹箱根的景觀。境內有從各個角度遊覽箱根的電纜車 、登山電車和空中吊車 。箱根七湯(7個温泉)位於蘆之湖東岸的箱根關所,是面積為198平方米的木建平房,是江戶時代幕府設置的關卡。關所內還陳列著當時行人攜帶的身份證、短槍、長柄大刀等文物1000多件,還有關所檢查人員的塑像,現已列為重點保護文物。

