正在尋找Kuno Kuno Bali Tour附近的酒店?不妨參考真實旅客的評價。


探索Kuno Kuno Bali Tour附近的熱門酒店


4.5/550 評價


烏布 峇里島|距離Kuno Kuno Bali Tour0.28km
服務真的非常棒! 從cek in 開始 小姐姐很耐心的為我講解 帶我參觀房間 告訴我一切細節,包括連wifi也親自幫助我。因為我衹會一點點印尼語和一點點英文,但是他們從不會覺得“無奈 不耐煩”而是一個詞一個詞的説 便於我理解。這個行為真的很貼心。 1.早餐: 不限時間. 點單模式 每一類可以選一種,一共四五盤吧 絕對夠吃!也非常美味! 2.免費下午茶:15:00以後提供一杯咖啡或茶和一份點心。 3.游泳池是可以使用的 早上7:00-10:00, 我在哪裡點了幾杯酒 價格適中。蠻好喝。 4.酒店蠻安靜的,在一條街上.離中心街很近 步行10分鐘,蠻安全的,我們凌晨在街上走 也有蠻多外國遊客的,出門的街上也有很多很多很棒的餐廳! ubud絕對是美食的天堂!我太愛了! 5.酒店不大,客人也不多,但是服務很貼心,每天出門回酒店. 服務員都會親切的問候!非常非常非常友好。 6.房間很大!很乾凈! 浴缸很乾凈(對比其他酒店才知道他家真的很乾凈)每天晚上我都泡澡 非常舒服。 7.餐廳付費點單吃的.價格也很公道.也很好吃。 如果是情侶..我推薦這個地方.. 安靜 服務貼心 讓你們會有非常好的心情,走走 逛逛 吃吃 喝喝 做做sap.. 性價比的話我覺得適中… 但是ubud的對於愛美食的人來説 一定是天堂啊 價格不貴 性價比高 我們隨便走進的餐廳都很好吃😋 這次衹玩2天. 下次我一定首選ubud…多玩幾天zzz
4.7/552 評價


烏布 峇里島|距離Kuno Kuno Bali Tour0.37km
I would find it hard staying anywhere other than a Komaneka resort next time I’m in Ubud. I stayed at Komaneka’s Tanggayuda property pre-Covid and loved it so this time we chose Komaneka Bisma, which is a tad closer to the centre of Ubud…and it is yet another beautiful place to stay. The service levels are off-the-scale great at Komaneka , the staff are unfailingly helpful, and the general service offered by everyone is second to none. If you stay here you will never be disappointed, not for one minute! We had come to Ubud from Nusa Dua where we’d also been totally spoilt with superb service and this was well and truly continued on by the lovely Komaneka Bisma team. The Bisma Suites are glorious - huge suites with a lounge area, super king bedroom, enormous bathrooms and spacious balcony. First the room: it had an appealing, stylish Balinese design and furniture, marble floors, timber features, lovely bed linen - so very luxurious - but it also felt truly Balinese. The generous-sized balcony with an egg chair, traditional balinese sofa and chair and tables overlooked rice paddies and the gorgeous green forest hills. What a view and gorgeous sunsets every night at this hillside resort!!! At night, the sounds of the jungle are amazing and it all feels very exotic. The Bisma Suite bathroom is very large and glamorous with double sinks and an enormous shower with artisan toiletries (which I fell in love with). A big separate dressing room, walk in wardrobe with safe was handy for luggage storage. The staff added lovely personalised touches with “welcome back” and “goodbye” bed decorations (plus a bath full of rose petals, how gorgeous) and all these very special touches really made us feel very warm and fuzzy and were so appreciated. The long, green-tiled pool is in a memorable lush setting , surrounded by greenery, rice paddies and forest, with pool chairs along one side. There’s a small curved pool a level below near the spa. The main pool is just beautiful and serene. When we stayed, it wasn't overrun with people and barely any kids. It felt like a peaceful, adults retreat and we enjoyed the serenity. A magnificent setting for a pool! I am middle aged, reasonably fit, but have short legs and my Mum is 82, slim and fit but we both found the tall/high steps into the pool a little difficult when getting in and out. A silver handrail was handy but it was a little loose however it helped us get out. You wouldn’t want to change the aesthetics of his gorgeous pool, we loved it, but perhaps the subtle addition of one more stone step slotted in at one end would be great for anyone with shorter legs, sore knee etc. But that is picky as we loved the pool and amazing grounds of the Bisma property. Seneng Kitchen is the restaurant spread over two levels and it is an open, airy, light, well designed space with a balcony overlooking the pool and huge windows opening out to the tropical gardens. The menu features a good selec





正在搜尋Kuno Kuno Bali Tour附近的酒店?比較房價和評價,找到您的理想酒店。
4.1/514 評價
考曼卡酒店 - 烏布拉莎莎亞
4.5/597 評價
在烏布時,我一直喜歡住在Komaneka Rasa Sayang,並且自己在那裏住了很多次,與朋友和家人在一起。我最後一次訪問是與來自開普敦的我哥哥一起。他絕對喜歡它。服務非常出色,我總是感到被驚人的工作人員寵壞了,它確實感覺這是我在巴厘島的第二個家。我不會留在烏布的其他地方。從我到達的那一刻起,我總是像家人一樣歡迎回來。客房非常漂亮,寬敞,設有華麗的浴室和陽台,設有日牀,俯鬱鬱蔥蔥的綠色植物。一罐自制餅乾和水果籃是一個可愛的觸摸。酒店從主幹道回來,但它是如此寧靜,只有幾步之遙,烏布市中心有很多很棒的商店和餐館以及猴子森林。泳池區美麗放鬆,周圍環繞着棕櫚樹,大自然和下面的河水流水的聲音。工作人員在泳池非常細心,是享受每日免費下午茶的好地方。早餐很好吃,種類很多。餐廳設置很美,可以俯游泳池。如果早餐菜單上沒有東西,只要問一下,工作人員會竭盡全力爲您做,如果可能的話。我想稱讚接待處的Ari,她非常出色,總是禮貌友好的服務。我錯過了這次看到Ibu Desak和Sitiari。迫不及待想再次回到那裏
Sri Aksata烏布度假村由Adyatma熱情好客經營
4.1/545 評價
從前台步行到房間(平房)大約需要3分鐘。您將沿着開花的小路,在游泳池旁,看着叔叔總是照顧的稻田,輕鬆地到達房間。這是一間漂亮的平房,您可以看到日落和日出,但是如果您不關閉窗簾,則可以從外面看到它。玻璃被拋光,沒有任何污垢。 當我以爲我丟了護照而大驚小怪時,工作人員來到我的房間並一起尋找它。(畢竟,我前一天從出租車上出來了) 這是一家您可以放鬆身心的酒店。
4.1/553 評價
Even though the resort has only been open a few months since Covid the staff and facilities were great. Views to die for and the pool and breakfast area are away from the hustle and bustle of the main street. Location is perfect and close to bars, cafes, restaurants, shops, money changers, etc. Room size is above average and decorated in true Balinese style. Serene, peaceful, pure bliss, and would highly recommend.
4.6/574 評價
很不錯的酒店,設施有泳池和按摩,坐落在烏布一條不怎麼繁忙的路上,靠近🐒公園。 平時很安靜,做個按摩就能睡得很舒服。 這裏做的飯也很好吃,工作人員也非常友好,有什麼問題找老闆就可以了。 酒店裡植被很多,確實像是住在森林中。 不用擔心安全,猴子不會過來,這邊的人也比較友善,難得的是,蚊子也不多。 想去烏布市場,步行就可以,其餘的地方也可以租自行車🚲 總而言之,這次✈️旅行確實很舒服😌,非常推薦👍👍👍
3.8/515 評價




