





4.2/5110 評價


老城區 阿姆斯特丹|距離阿姆斯特丹運河0.26km
我們在阿姆斯特丹住了4天3晚,住在NH市中心酒店。酒店的工作人員,食物和清潔度都很棒。該酒店距離所有主要景點衹有20-30分鐘的步行路程。我們對阿姆斯特丹沒有任何聖誕市場感到有些失望。我們的出租車司機告訴我們,正是由於城市街道和運河的布置,消防處認為這太危險了。真好不是專業。 在您的第一天全天必須搭乘隨上隨下的巴士和遊船,這樣您才能體會城市的布局和主要景點。不要錯過這些凌晨旅行。 在數百家咖啡店(不是咖啡館或酒吧,而是咖啡店)中的任何一個中嘗試使用太空蛋糕或預卷接頭。如果您像我們這樣不吸煙,您會發現這些地方非常臭,並且充滿了主要在30年代以下的濃湯。但是他們都堅決友好。 食物非常折衷,印度尼西亞是荷蘭美食的主要貢獻者。我們發現大壩廣場完全沒有任何攤販,食物等。這對我們來說是個潮濕的水管。 Rembrant廣場非常熱鬧,到處都是食品攤販/街頭食品。 如果您像我這樣的文化禿鷹,那麼國家博物館是必須的。 安妮·弗蘭克(Anne Frank)家的問號很長,因此您必須在出發前在線購買門票。這種景象非常謙虛,衹是讓您想起了納粹分子的邪惡程度。 阿姆斯特丹很棒。我強烈推薦它和NH City Hotel。
4.1/5128 評價


舊西區 阿姆斯特丹|距離阿姆斯特丹運河1.21km
We really enjoyed our stay. It is close to a lot of shops and restaurants. The Rijksmuseum is a short walk away. There is a tram stop also within walking distance. If you want to do a canal cruise, there are several that board across the street from the Rijksmuseum. There is a bus that goes right from the airport and stops across the street from the hotel. The bus stop to catch the bus back to the airport is just down the next block. Our room was pretty spacious for a European hotel. As a Marriott Bonvoy Platinum member, my suite night awards didn’t get approved (likely because the hotel was full) but I did get upgraded to an executive room. I enjoyed the personal welcome note and treats from the staff. They also dropped off a thank you note and a small gift of stroopwafels on our last night! The only issue we had with the room was that we couldn’t get the temperature as cool as we wanted but that wasn’t a dealbreaker. The room had a coffee maker and a small mini-fridge to keep water and drinks cool. The M Club Lounge at the hotel was great. My only complaint is that I do wish they’d vary their breakfast items each day. Five days of the exact same items got to be a little tiresome. We only made it to the club in the afternoon/evening twice during our stay. On Friday night, it was jam packed. People were circling like sharks. I really loved the coffee machine in the M Club and liked that they had bottled drinks we could take back to the room.





4/5105 評價
Be aware of the a well-designed process of this hotel that can your stay a nightmare. Me and my family came to Amsterdam for short vacation in July, not for the first time so I know what to expect there in terms of hotels standards etc. My wife and daughter came one day before me, and once arrived at the hotel and entered the room, they realized it was so hot and humid, that there was no chance they can stay there (especially in case one had high blood pressure or any kind of heart/health issue). Of course, they asked the front desk for any type of solution but there was no intention to solve this, what so ever (they were offered a fan). The only option they were left with was to book a different hotel in vicinity and move from there as soon as they can - this is how bad conditions were. With all the arguments we had, hotel had no intention to offer refund, voucher, discount or any other complimentary or symbolic token of appreciation. What became evident afterwards, is that this is a deliberate process, planned in advance - hotel sends an ”no air condition” email message just 1 or 2 days before the cancellation deadline to be formally correct and they have ”ready-made” answers. While I was trying to solve the issue next day, I've witnessed a young couple with a 6-month baby from West Virginia that had to check out a day earlier because of the same reason, and another guest concerned about the heat and trying to understand these conditions via a phone call - but the front desk agent ”reeled” him in to book, with no intention to warn about the inhumane conditions. All together, not just a terrible hotel but a case of although formally correct process, clearly deliberately misleading and situation that represents a health risk.
4.2/5110 評價
我們在阿姆斯特丹住了4天3晚,住在NH市中心酒店。酒店的工作人員,食物和清潔度都很棒。該酒店距離所有主要景點衹有20-30分鐘的步行路程。我們對阿姆斯特丹沒有任何聖誕市場感到有些失望。我們的出租車司機告訴我們,正是由於城市街道和運河的布置,消防處認為這太危險了。真好不是專業。 在您的第一天全天必須搭乘隨上隨下的巴士和遊船,這樣您才能體會城市的布局和主要景點。不要錯過這些凌晨旅行。 在數百家咖啡店(不是咖啡館或酒吧,而是咖啡店)中的任何一個中嘗試使用太空蛋糕或預卷接頭。如果您像我們這樣不吸煙,您會發現這些地方非常臭,並且充滿了主要在30年代以下的濃湯。但是他們都堅決友好。 食物非常折衷,印度尼西亞是荷蘭美食的主要貢獻者。我們發現大壩廣場完全沒有任何攤販,食物等。這對我們來說是個潮濕的水管。 Rembrant廣場非常熱鬧,到處都是食品攤販/街頭食品。 如果您像我這樣的文化禿鷹,那麼國家博物館是必須的。 安妮·弗蘭克(Anne Frank)家的問號很長,因此您必須在出發前在線購買門票。這種景象非常謙虛,衹是讓您想起了納粹分子的邪惡程度。 阿姆斯特丹很棒。我強烈推薦它和NH City Hotel。
4.4/5101 評價
We recently visited Amsterdam for a 3 day trip and the Clemens Hotel was great! Centrally located and within walking distance of all tourist spots and shops. The hotel staff were extremely friendly and accommodating, nothing was too much trouble. They took our bags to the room, greeted us with a complimentary beverage on arrival, lent us an adaptor for our phone charger and stored our bags on departure day with no fuss at all. We didn’t feel rushed and immediately felt at ease on arrival. The complimentary breakfast was lovely with scrambled eggs, meats, cheeses, pastries, fruit, yoghurt and cereals on offer. We stayed in a room on the third floor which was a little small but very comfortable and clean with a lovely hot shower perfect after a day of exploring. The only negative I can see to this hotel is the very steep stairs, which we managed with but they would be a challenge for some. Overall a lovely stay and great hospitality. Thank you
4.5/5103 評價
(視頻是酒店門口) 🔷The Hoxton是一個精品酒店品牌,現在在全球僅有6家店,分佈在倫敦,巴黎,紐約,和阿姆斯特丹,還有兩家即將在芝加哥和LA開業。在攜程和官網都可以訂到比較優惠的價格。 🔹走進荷蘭這家酒店,一樓是它的bar & restaurant,從中午開始就會有很多人坐在這喝酒聊天,很熱鬧也很有氛圍。這裏的工作人員非常熱情,如果在旅遊方面什麼困擾,他們真的會很積極的給你想辦法。在異國他鄉,遇到這樣的一羣人真的太幸福了。 🔹酒店的牀品和燈光很舒服,深褐色木質邊框,白色拼接瓷磚,深藍色封麪的城市地圖little brochure,雖然房間不是很大,但是小的溫馨而精緻。酒店處處充滿設計,很好看所以很適合拍照📷,因為我們定的基礎房型,衹能看到街景,如果選擇運河房可以看到門口的河景! 🔹入住后前台會給你一個小袋子,把小袋子掛在房間門口,第二天早上就會收到小🥣早飯(優格,香蕉,果汁)是免費的,真的很溫馨~ 🔹酒店地理位置很好,就在市中心,交通便利,步行可抵達大多熱門景點,甚至到梵高博物館走路都不是很遠。
3.8/576 評價
這是我住過的最差的Ws之一,我住過全球近20家。酒店的服務,在最好的情況下,是兩星級的體驗。工作人員在辦理入住時非常脫節,甚至沒有像在其他萬豪酒店那樣承認我的身份。儘管我在正常入住時間辦理入住,但我的房間請求都沒有完成。這真的就像他們做了我在網上要求的一切相反。讓我們談談你甚至沒有空間伸展手臂的房間。它們很小,打開前門的那一刻,你會進入浴室。房間也很吵,鄰居做的一切都能聽到。房間不值入場價,考慮到價格點,留下很多不足之處。這些房間更像AC甚至Moxy,但價格與我的其他Bonvoy會員的Ritz或St. Regis相美。電梯很小,速度令人難以置信,所以我希望你不要急於去任何地方。這家酒店唯一的贖回部分是位置,他們有一個很棒的牛排館。總的來說,除非你無緣無故喜歡燒錢,否則我會提醒你比我聰明,住在不同的酒店。我是一個bonvoy會員,這個W酒店非常令人失望。絕對不像W羅馬,所以發脾氣你的期望。對不起這篇文章,但我認爲我會在預訂這裏之前給大家一些嚴肅的警示建議。
4.1/5123 評價
位置優越的好酒店 - 離中央車站步行10分鐘。友好而樂於助人的員工。小電梯....,但很多酒店都沒有一個獎勵!大幹淨的房間,真的很好的浴室,淋浴間大步行。衣服軌但沒有抽屜,冰箱但沒有水壺雖然,前台有免費的熱飲機。(和有飲料和小吃的自動售貨機)故障位置....到所有景點都方便步行,有軌電車停在外面,如果需要的話。





在Trip.com上,阿姆斯特丹有664家酒店,包括有奢華酒店、精品酒店及廉價酒店等。當地酒店平均價格大概是1347 HKD一晚,阿姆斯特丹有各種各樣的酒店,定能滿足您對不同旅行的住宿需求。阿姆斯特丹有27家五星級酒店,平均每晚3203 HKD。阿姆斯特丹有96家四星級酒店,平均每晚1745 HKD。阿姆斯特丹有146家三星級酒店,平均每晚1098 HKD。阿姆斯特丹有58家二星級酒店,平均每晚890 HKD。作為著名的旅遊城市,阿姆斯特丹入駐了許多為人熟悉的連鎖酒店品牌。在阿姆斯特丹,連鎖酒店如華美達是遊客們入住的熱門住宿。如若您對旅行住宿比較有要求,在阿姆斯特丹還是挺容易找到舒適酒店的,像華美達旗下的酒店就很好。作為阿姆斯特丹的熱門酒店,阿姆斯特丹艾塔娜室友酒店(Room Mate Aitana Amsterdam)是評價最高的酒店之一。除此之外,阿姆斯特丹中央車站希爾頓逸林酒店(DoubleTree by Hilton Amsterdam Centraal Station)也是遊客們常去的酒店。

在阿姆斯特丹的市中心附近,您能夠方便的遊覽阿姆斯特丹博物館, 水壩廣場, 阿姆斯特丹運河。在阿姆斯特丹適合度假的景點也頗多,您可以去阿姆斯特丹球場, 齊戈體育館, 庫肯霍夫公園。除了之前介紹過的景點外,阿姆斯特丹紅燈區, 阿姆斯特丹中央火車站, 阿姆斯特丹國際會展中心也是比較有名的。阿姆斯特丹的商業氛圍比較濃厚,如果想購物您可以去北市場, 辛格鮮花市場, De Bijenkorf百貨。










