正在尋找Talipanan Beach附近的酒店?不妨參考真實旅客的評價。


探索Talipanan Beach附近的熱門酒店




3.8/519 評價


阿布拉-德伊洛|距離Talipanan Beach0.32km
Availed the Amami Beach Resort ₱6590 (4pax) all inclusive group promo. That’s 3D2N accommodation will full meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) package. They also have the couple package for only ₱3990. I first availed of this promotional voucher when pandemic started and they needed to make sure that the staff are still being paid despite the pandemic affecting all businesses. The resort also does feeding program for children in and around the area. Amami Beach Resort is located in Talipanan, Puerto Galera. About 20-25mins tryke ride from Balatero Port, usual charge of ₱200-250 or ₱50/pax. We took the RORO as we weren’t in a rush coming from Batangas Pier. JAM Liner charges ₱268 while ALPS ₱260. Monte***** RORO leaves the Batangas Pier at 8AM for ₱425 regular fare and travel is around 1hr 40mins. You have to be early as the queue is usually pretty long just about daily. Besides the waiting area in Batangas is actually nice, looking more like an airport departure area. You have to pay ₱30 terminal fee and environmental fee of ₱120/head in Puerto Galera upon arrival. Please do make sure to get your students bring their school ID to avail of discounts. Getting back to Batangas Pier from Balatero Port we did an advance booking via Kuya Agoy (+63997 074-3378). We paid an extra ₱50/head for the advance booking and he even delivered our tickets at the resort! It did save us time queuing and less hassle as we headed straight to the port entrance to pay for the terminal fee of ₱10/head then waiting area. Departure was 2PM from Balatero Port to Batangas. The resort has beach front accommodation as well as Greenhouses located by the main road, roughly 3mins walk to the beach and mess hall. Staff are amazing, food is fairly priced, everything is delicious (thanks mainly to Ate Briza 👏) and big portions too! Everything was great, staff food and location but the place needs quite a few fixes. Accommodation : we had an issue with the faulty door and door knob. Bathroom : clean and all but drain is a bit clogged as it takes awhile for the water to go down. Service Price List : not updated at all. I did speak to one of the managers (after contacting him via texts messages and call to which he dropped my call and never responded to my text messages) later in the afternoon. He was not apologetic for not getting back to me and didn’t really do much about my concern. A real let down after having dealt with the owner Fabio before. The staff did their best to be able to assist us but there is only so much they can do. Staff gets 15/10 stars ⭐️ while management gets zero ⭐️. È molto deludente. In all fairness to the manager Filippo, he is young and seemed patient listening to me, atleast. It is so sad because this place is amazing, the staff are simply wonderful and food is great! They used to be top of the list here in Trip Advisor and now due to neglect, there isn’t much despite their promotion which helps the place and staff big time.



正在搜尋Talipanan Beach附近的酒店?比較房價和評價,找到您的理想酒店。
4.6/56 評價
這家令人驚歎的酒店是Puerto Galera的完美住宿。距離海灘步行五分鐘,靠近商店和餐館。如果您想要它,靠近行動,但也可以在需要時足夠遠的地方安靜。游泳池清爽乾淨,房間寬敞,從巴拉特羅港抵達後很容易找到。工作人員熱情好客。唯一的缺點:房間沒有WiFi,早餐必須付費。這個地方其他都是5/5。
3.4/54 評價
Hi.the rooms were clean and aesthetic Cally beautiful. Very comfortable and the staff were amazing. The went over and beyond to help make our stay enjoyable. I highly recommend this hotel fore anyone visiting Puerto galera we'll be back...
2.8/52 評價
Casa Marco Suites Puerto Galera
5/51 評價
Best place to enjoy the Whitebeach of Puerto Galera! Accessible, convenient and great service!
4.4/522 評價
1.酒店位置:距離白沙灘900米,可順着公路步行15分鐘走過去;或者沿着海灘穿過一片礁石翻過去,大約25分鐘。 2.酒店環境:擁有自己的海灘至少50米,非常適合看海景落日,聽着海浪聲入睡,可惜海灘小石子很多,沙子比較粗,不適合游泳。我在的這幾天海浪也比較大,更不適合游泳,衹能在酒店游泳池游 3.酒店設施:房間寬敞明亮,麪朝大海,有一陽台配有綠植和沙發牀,可躺着聊天看海景。不足之處:枕頭非常不舒服,我和朋友都睡的脖子疼;雙人間的單人牀太窄約90公分;沒有牙膏牙刷,問前台要需要單付費;毛巾少一套擦頭髮的 4.早餐,非常單一,免費的時候兩片烤麵包+雞蛋+飲品1杯,其它需要另點付費,價格不算低 5.房間是否適合帶孩子,我的房間裏一進去除了兩張單人牀外,還有一張撐開了的沙發牀,第二天服務員看我們不需要就收成沙發了,所以應該一家人住也是可以的 因為在攜程上沒有看到白沙灘有4星以上的酒店,所以定了這家,整體基本滿意吧,湊合。
4/55 評價


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想尋找最新最受歡迎的加萊拉港酒店嗎?那您來Trip.com就對了。在Trip.com網站或者Trip.com APP上您可以找到最新的加萊拉港酒店優惠。比較有名的景點和市中心都是遊客們在加萊拉港旅行熱門的住宿區域。在加萊拉港遊玩,您既可以選擇住在市中心區域,亦可以選擇在景點周邊的住宿。


在Trip.com上,我們為您精心推薦了52家加萊拉港酒店。當地酒店平均價格大概是521 HKD一晚,加萊拉港有各種各樣的酒店,定能滿足您對不同旅行的住宿需求。加萊拉港有2家五星級酒店,平均每晚895 HKD。加萊拉港有7家四星級酒店,平均每晚1261 HKD。加萊拉港有25家三星級酒店,平均每晚316 HKD。加萊拉港有14家二星級酒店,平均每晚260 HKD。加萊拉港的酒店性價比高,所以不需要為住宿準備太高預算。作為加萊拉港的熱門酒店,波爾多·格尼拉亞特蘭蒂斯潛水度假村(Atlantis Dive Resort Puerto Galera)是評價最高的酒店之一。當然,許多遊客也會選擇波爾多·格尼拉可可海灘島嶼度假村(Coco Beach Island Resort)入住。

若想與家人度過一個愉快假期,可以到潘丹島一遊。其實到加萊拉港旅遊,最熱門的景點還有Tamaraw Beach, 加萊拉港白沙灘, 薩邦海灘。
