

Rudhil's Place Hotel and Dormitory
5/52 評價
4.5/587 評價
This visit to Marco Polo truly saddened me. If you read some of my past reviews of this hotel I noted it was my favorite place to stay anywhere in the world. This was my first post Covid visit and I was shocked and disappointed. - Basic maintenance has not been completed. For example, there is a glass elevator that goes to Blu their rooftop restaurant. This elevator was out of order and when I asked why I was told “Covid.” Covid travel restrictions were lifted a long time ago and that’s no excuse. In a second example, we returned to our room after a long night and the key did not work. It turned out the battery in the electronic device on the door needed to be replaced and the front desk understand the issue immediately, so this must happen often. Good hotels replace these batteries on a schedule so the guests never suffer from dead batteries. - Service, which used to be outstanding?@, is now unacceptable. First, the English language skills of most employees we encountered were sub par. Second, the person who checked me in was being trained, so the check in process was very slow. Third, service at the poolside bar during lunch was slow, the waitstaff inattentive and they failed to include my banana shake on the bill so as we are leaving the grab us and give us a second bill to pay. Fourth, service at breakfast was terrible. I had to ask for black tea three times before I got it, seeking some out 3 times as no one ever came to check on us. When we arrived around 9 AM there was no bacon (later replenished with bacon that looked so bad I did not even try it, fatty and not crisp), there was 1 banana, which was never replenished, there were no juice glasses (later replenished). The food quality was adequate but not nearly up to pre-Covid standards. Overall the service was lacking. - I was also disappointed that the lobby lounge, which used to have live music every night now has piano music only and only 1 night per week I am told. - There was a cart of dirty linens in our hallway both days Some of these things are not expensive or hard to fix. It doesn’t cost a lot to have live music in the lounge nightly as there are lots of singers groups looking for opportunities. It doesn’t cost a lot to make sure you change door card batteries regularly Others are basic requirements if doing business. For example you don’t leave a glass elevator to one of the most expensive restaurants in Cebu out of order for month/years. I am purchasing a condo unit in Marco Polo residences and expected to regularly visit the hotel for meals/drinks, but if this is the quality and service we can expect, then I will not be utilizing their services.
Radisson Blu Hotel, Cebu
4.4/5129 評價
這個酒店不錯,很喜歡,特別豪華,總體不錯,但是有些軟件是可以改進的,就是感覺服務跟不上,和薄荷島,長灘島這些旅遊城市比起來,服務確實差的遠。 從進門開始的熱情度,以及到前台辦理,到上電梯,倒是送餐的小哥超級好。哈哈 不過總得來説也不錯,衹是服務和豪華沒有匹配
4.3/585 評價
該酒店將自己定位為宿霧的五星級酒店,但距離該星級還很遠。我將列出這家酒店的優點,但您還必須考慮我在下面列出的以下事項。優點: 1.它擁有整個宿霧更好的舞廳/會議廳。 2. 房間寬敞又新3. 內部和外觀優雅缺點: 1. 第一天晚上,我報告房間裡有一股難聞的氣味,但接線員諷刺地告訴我,由於我們舉辦的活動,酒店已經訂滿了。正在擁有。值班經理過來告訴我所有房間的味道都跟我的一樣。他所做的就是噴灑氣霧劑。我甚至說我的房間裡有一個空氣過濾器或空氣過濾器,以幫助在睡覺時去除氣味。他保證會把東西送到,但那天晚上沒有人來到我的房間。我們一整天都在外面,所以第二天晚上進入我的房間時,我再次抱怨,因為顯然客房服務和前台都沒有試圖解決這個問題。這一次,氣味難以忍受。就像有東西濕了而且沒有完全乾燥。我在房間外面等著,因為接線員告訴我服務生會在15分鐘後到我的房間再次噴空氣清新劑。於是我就在外面等。 20分鐘過去了,我又打電話說沒有人來。幾分鐘後,同一位值班經理(昨晚的)趕到了,現在告訴我,我的房間裡確實有一股難聞的氣味,但令我沮喪的是,我們再次在房間外面等待,因為服務員不在他身邊。這次,他告訴我,難聞的氣味是他們常遇到的問題。考慮到我們前一天晚上談論過這件事,他對我的投訴大加讚賞,這一聲明讓我感到驚訝。這次,他提出給我換房併升級房間,但鑑於我擁有的所有東西,我告訴他我不想換房,只是為了解決問題。然後他噴了空氣清新劑,決定留在這裡。基本上,我的問題停止了,因為我停止抱怨,而不是因為他們解決了我的問題。 2. 通往客房的走廊有油漆和建築材料的味道。就連電梯裡都是這樣的味道。 3.早餐重複。 4.隨處可見施工的身影。尤其是較低樓層的房間。雖然「試營運」階段對於所有的建築和眼睛問題都是可以接受的,但客戶服務不應受到影響。如果您打算留在這裡,請控制您的期望。
4.5/5256 評價
在宿務Ayala商場緊挨着的酒店,位置很好,對於菲律賓這種不能在大街上隨便走的國家來説這個酒店的位置是很友好的。有個後門,出去就是Ayala商場。 酒店設施有些老了,但整體還是挺乾淨的,挺整潔。 其實算是標準普通5星的酒店





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